Claimed By Two Werebears (BBW Paranormal Romance) Page 8
"I'm not here for that. I'm here because I'm a reporter and I wanted an inside scoop on the festival. I have notes and the start of the article I'm writing. I can sign in on my work account if that's what you want! But there is no point in fighting for me or whatever it is that you think you should be doing because I'm a fraud."
Both men were frowning heavily by the time she was done. Sanjay glanced at Dimitri, but the king folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at the reporter.
"We have a non-disclosure agreement that you had to sign before being let onto the property. If you publish a story, I'd have every right to sue you and your paper. Why risk it?"
"Because nobody has gotten anything about what happens in here, except from the occasional woman who doesn't find a mate. They only talk about how amazing it all was without giving any real details." Audrey dropped her arms, forming fists to conceal her shaking hands. "You can't get anywhere in journalism without taking a few risks. A story on you guys would have fast-tracked me to the head of the race. Maybe even get me permission to do a story on shifters next."
Sanjay stepped forward so he was shoulder-to-shoulder with Dimitri. "What kind of story?"
"A day in the life sort of story. What challenges you face, what your lives are like."
"What their lives are like? Are you a journalist or an anthropologist?" Dimitri asked.
Audrey shrugged. "I want to be a little of both. But the point is, I lied and schemed my way into this thing in the first place. It's all a big scam, so whatever you thought was drawing you to me, it isn't real. I'll just pack up and go, and then you can just not fight over me. Okay? You're both mad that I lied and that's the end of it."
The vampire and shifter glanced at each other. Something seemed to pass between them, something that made Audrey shiver. Whatever they were thinking, she somehow knew that even her confession to her crime wasn't going to get her out of this predicament.
"Irrelevant," Sanjay said.
Audrey stared at them in alarm. "Excuse me?"
"The reasons you have come are irrelevant. A reporter or not, looking for a mate or not, we have both claimed you. You could try to leave, but I think you'll find yourself unable to. Or if you do leave, you'll be drawn back to us until this is resolved."
"Look, I already said that just because you're interested in me doesn't mean that I—"
"You're here," Dimitri interrupted. "And you have proven receptive to both of us. We are not saying that we'd force you to stay, but when non-humans find their mates, they cannot be denied. If you leave, you'll be back soon enough, wanting us."
This was crazy town. Audrey opened her mouth to tell them both just that but stopped. Maybe it was because their smoldering eyes were on her, making all sorts of wicked thoughts dash about in her head. Her hormones were kicking into overdrive again, making her want to pull them both onto the bed with her.
What the hell is going on with me?
Audrey had never considered herself much of a sexual adventurer. The kinkiest stuff she had ever gotten into was doggy style, rather than missionary. It wasn't that she didn't like sex, but she was so busy that she didn't really have the time or inclination to research other ways of doing it. But right now as she looked at the two handsome men, she was getting hints about something else entirely.
"We will fight for you," Sanjay said, stepping closer. "We will woo you and if you do not choose, I will kill the vampire for you."
"More like die for her," Dimitri said.
"You've heard of me, haven't you?"
The king nodded. "You are well-known and respected among shifters."
Sanjay grinned. "Then you know if you tried to fight me, I'd kill you."
A shrug was his only answer.
Audrey pushed past them and headed for the door. "No. I am not going to be responsible for you two killing each other. And the only reason I'm not leaving right now is because I'm going to prove it. You'll see. By the end of the week, you'll be begging me to go away."
Chapter Four
The pale golden fingers of dawn crept through her window. Audrey stared out the window, still in bed.
It had been a week since the shifter and Dimitri had told her she had to choose one of them. In that time, there had been plenty of times when she felt like running away. But Sanjay had volunteered to give her an interview about what his life was like, and she couldn’t pass that up.
It surprised her that he was a big shot among the shifters. He wasn't an Alpha, per se, because he didn't have a pack. But when other shifters were nearby, they treated him like a celebrity. Getting an interview with him was a big break.
Not to be outdone, Dimitri had then arranged for her to interview three vampires and two shifters without mates, six human women looking for mates, and then a dozen vampires, shifters and humans who had already found their mates.
Unfortunately, every time they were alone, he kissed her and she forgot about asking for an interview from him. Not that they were alone much. Usually, whenever she wasn't in her room, both Sanjay and Dimitri were with her. And she hadn't been able to convince them she was wrong for them yet.
The sound of her cell phone ringing brought her out of her concentration. Audrey glanced at the caller ID and groaned. It was Tiana, her boss. This wasn't going to be pleasant.
Tiana was a nice enough person most times, but when it came to the latest story, she had no social filters. It was frustrating, and occasionally humiliating. How many times had Tiana encouraged her to get closer to her targets to get the best scoop? No doubt she was going to press her for more details about her relationships with Dimitri and Sanjay. Audrey wouldn't be surprised if it ended up on the front page of the paper.
"Hey, Tiana. Bit early isn't it?" Audrey greeted, trying to keep her voice neutral.
"You're up, I'm up. What's the problem?"
"Did you get the stuff I sent you yesterday?"
"I did. But I'm more interested in this note that you put in here." Tiana's voice sounded thrilled. "You have a Liger shifter and the vampire king competing for you? This is terrific news! You have to write down everything, I'll give you space for a short series about your experiences with the vampires. I love the stuff you've been sending me, but what we need is something more personal, you know? The voice of a woman finding herself torn between the sophisticated vampire and the pure lust of a shifter."
"Shifters aren't like that. Sanjay is just as sophisticated as Dimitri, and Dimitri can be just as lustful as Sanjay."
"Really? Spill."
The reporter ground her teeth. "That's my personal business."
"Audrey, darling, the public loves a good, old-fashioned love triangle. Write up your first meeting with the two of them and send it by tomorrow night. Don't leave out any of the sordid details."
Why did I have to mention Dimitri and Sanjay to her in the first place? You'd think that she was running a tabloid.
Writing like this wasn't going to help Audrey's plans for the future. There were enough snobs in the world that thought women couldn't write professional news. She wasn't going to give into the pressure to sensationalize what happened during the festival. Or disclose the personal details of her life. Her writing served a purpose, which was to debunk misinformation and help people who weren't given a voice to share their stories.
"Tiana, I—"
The door opened and Dimitri and Sanjay both entered. Audrey cursed.
"Don't you use that language at me," Tiana said. "You don't like the idea? Fine, you can stick with your exposé. But you could have just said it."
Audrey hurried out of bed and turned her back on the vampire and shifter. "No, it's not—Well, no I don't want to write like a gossip magazine, but I wasn't swearing at you, Tiana. I'm sorry. It's just that… they came in."
"They did?" Tiana's voice was thrilled again. "Let me talk to one of them! Have you gotten that interview with the king yet? I'm still waiting for the interview with your shifter. Oh, and did you ask him if he was sterile?
Because most hybrids in the while are sterile. Make sure you get why they chose you."
"I have to go, Tiana."
"I understand. Just make sure you use protection."
Tiana hung up while Audrey spluttered protests. She hung up her phone and hid her face in her hands. "You two can just leave now."
Two sets of chuckles answered her, and Sanjay's thick arms wrapped around her. He lifted her easily. She found herself wishing she had worn a silk nightie rather than her flannel PJs.
"When you're embarrassed you smell like honeysuckle," Sanjay told her.
"The human my female was talking to had a good question, though, Beast." Dimitri walked up to them and pressed a kiss to Audrey's neck. "You're a hybrid, are you sterile?"
Audrey looked between the two of them, horrified. "You could hear what Tiana was saying?"
"Our hearing is much more attuned than humans," Sanjay said. "And fear not, my delectable American honeysuckle, I am quite fertile. I will be able to give you as many healthy, robust children as you desire."
Dimitri pulled her out of Sanjay's arms and nestled her against his chest. Despite herself, Audrey wrapped her legs around his hips. Sanjay didn't move away from them, instead brushing up close behind her. She liked the sensations of them both close to her like this.
The idea of all three of them together was becoming more pervasive in her mind. Until now, she had never considered having a threesome. At least not one for her sake. She had a previous boyfriend that tried to convince her to let one of his ex-girlfriends join them in bed but had dumped her before she could make up her mind either way.
If she asked for the vampire and shifter to do the whole ménage a trois thing, would they agree? Or would it be the thing that would finally convince them that she wasn't the girl for either of them?
The thought of being without them left her breathless. That was the goal, why did it make her feel like her heart was being ripped from her chest?
"Strong, healthy babies?" Dimitri said. He glanced at Sanjay. "I'll give you that one. But any child that you put in Audrey would likely rip her in half as she gives birth."
Audrey smacked his arm lightly. "They would not.
Sanjay smirked.
"Besides which, both of you are bigger than the average human, if I was going to have trouble with one of you, I'd have trouble with both. But I can't think about children right now."
Both men looked crestfallen. Dimitri curled her hair around his fingers. "You don't want children?"
"That's not what I said. I want children eventually. But I want to make sure I'm in a solid relationship before I have them." She looked away, a lump rising in her throat. "I don't want them to ever think they weren't wanted."
"You wouldn't have to worry about me, or either of us, not wanting our children," Dimitri said. "Children are highly valued among vampires, and shifters are always protective and devoted to their offspring."
"Well… thank you. But I still can't mate either of you." Audrey didn't want to continue on this line of conversation. It was getting too intimate. She was left feeling to vulnerable. "Tiana did have a good point about that other thing, though."
"About the protection?" Dimitri asked, his eyes lighting up. "I made sure condoms are provided in every room."
Audrey stared at him, her jaw hung loose.
Sanjay nuzzled the back of her neck, sending tingles down her spine. "Mmmmm. Honeysuckle."
"No!" She squirmed, trying to free herself, but they clasped her tighter. "I meant why the two of you chose me. There were hundreds of women there, and hundreds more women that would kill to have the chance with either of you. Why are you both so determined to have me?"
"I told you it was your scent that first drew me to you," Sanjay said. "But now that I've gotten to know you better, I admire your tenacity and determination."
She couldn’t deny that it made her insides vibrate with happiness to hear him say that. She turned to Dimitri. "And you?"
He didn't respond. But before Audrey could demand an answer, a scream echoed down the hallway. Both Sanjay and Dimitri's heads whipped around. The vampire king set Audrey down and headed for the door. "Stay here with her."
"I am not one of your subjects," Sanjay growled, going after him.
Audrey followed them both out, jogging to keep up with their long strides. A crowd was gathering at the window at the end of the hallway. Several more screams and the shifters and vampires there gathered their women into their arms and turned away from the window. Everybody melted aside to let Dimitri and Sanjay pass.
Both men stopped suddenly. Sanjay whirled, pulling Audrey into his arms and shielding her eyes. But not before she saw what the commotion was about. Just outside the window was a bronze statue of Dimitri.
A woman was impaled on the spikes of his crown.
Chapter Five
Audrey stood outside of Dimitri's study, her hands on her hips, eyes flashing. Before her stood one of the larger vampires she had seen, blocking her way. She knew that Dimitri was in his study. She also knew that he could hear her, and wasn't about to budge until she got what she came for.
"I told you," she said to the vampire blocking her way, "I am the king's chosen mate, and I demand to see him this instant. Do you want me to start causing a scene? And do you, Dimitri?" She rose her voice, glaring at the door. "Because I will. I will start kicking and screaming if you don't let me in and tell me exactly what is going on around here."
"Miss, the king was very clear that he cannot be disturbed at the moment, even by you. He is in a very important meeting with human investigation representatives and doesn't have the time to spare—"
"I'm a reporter in the building. I already have a series of short articles appearing about what life in like for the women here, and why they decided to apply to be part of the festival. I can tell the story about what's happening with this murder in an open and balanced way."
"The newspapers out there will just be saying that a woman was killed, but I can write about how the king is cooperating with humans to find out what happened. How did she die? Who killed her?"
"The king cannot see you right now."
"Come on, you know you need me in there. Not as your chosen, but as a reporter!" she shouted.
The vampire looked distressed. "Miss, please, I don't want to have to remove you."
"I told you before that I'm not your subject." Sanjay's rich, sexy voice came down the hallway. "Yes, I'll look after her, but only because she's my mate. Stop ordering me around."
The shifter stalked into view, a phone pressed to his ear and an annoyed expression on his face.
Audrey rushed him. "Were you talking to Dimitri?"
Sanjay grunted as he shoved the phone into his pocket. He swung her over his shoulder and began walking away. Audrey thumped her fist against his back, struggling against his grip.
"Why do you always do this?" she hissed.
Sanjay ignored her. The reporter thumped him again, but she might as well have been hitting a stone wall. He made no indication that he had even felt her. Even still, she didn't like the sensation of hitting him, despite the fact that he had just picked her up and carted her off like a sack of potatoes.
He carried her outside, where the air was clean and fresh with a slight taste of sea salt. There he set her down but kept his hand in hers as he walked towards the extensive gardens.
"So Dimitri didn't want me involved in the investigation and he called you to distract me," Audrey said bitterly. "I'm a reporter, I could help."
"Not right now." Sanjay stopped beside a trellis that huge purple clematis crawled all over. "He will have one of his men give you a full debriefing, but he has to treat you like any reporter right now. The investigation has barely started. If this was a crime that had been committed on human turf, would you be permitted to sit in on the investigation at this point?"
Audrey scowled, but she had to admit the Liger had a point. With a huff, she sat on a
nearby stone bench. "No. But I would be just as upset about that as I am about this. Can you at least tell me what you know? Has Dimitri told you anything?"
Sanjay sat beside her and curled his fingers around her wrist. "Why would he tell me anything? We're rivals, remember."
"I don't know. From what I've seen of your interactions you seem to get along most of the time, except when you're squabbling about me. Which I don't like, by the way, because I'm still not choosing."
"Stubborn little human."
"I just thought that maybe you knew something. Who she was. How she got there. Something."
The shifter brought her wrist to his mouth and kissed it gently. "The woman was an attendee of the festival last year. She had stayed in contact with a vampire, and they had agreed to mate since neither of them had found anybody else. Have you heard of the group the Fist of Humanity?"
Her stomach churned and Audrey choked back bile. The Fist of Humanity was an extreme group that vocally advocated for the extermination of all non-Humans. They had attempted more than once to disrupt the Harvest Moon festival. There had been a few bombings in a few towns that they had taken credit for, although thankfully nobody had died. To upgrade to torture and murder was a terrifying idea.
"Are you sure it's them?"
"They have taken credit for it in a message sent to Dimitri."
Audrey shifted closer to her Liger. "How did they get the woman into the palace?"
"There was a caterer allowed in that Dimitri hadn't ordered. Security is mostly focused on the borders, and since nothing has happened the past few years, they've been lax. Dimitri thinks that the caterers were actually the Fist of Humanity, and they must have put her there overnight."
"Why did he tell you and not me?"
Sanjay shrugged. "I'm a shifter. I might not be part of a pack, but shifters, in general, tend to be close-knit, and I suppose he thought I was the best one to inform the others about what was happening."
"How have they taken the news?"
"There are several shifters who have already mated who want to take their women into the woods after hearing about this."