Werebear's Nanny_A Paranormal Romance Read online

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  “Tyrell,” she begged, breathlessly. “I want you.”

  “Do you?” He licked her hip, then suckled on her left breast. “Do you really?”

  He moved to the right as he continued to crawl over her, caging her beneath his big body. Cynthia moaned in desire, thrusting her hips forward. He grabbed them, pushed them back into the mattress, then pressed himself against her entrance. His mouth caught hers, demanding, and she was more than happy to give him what he wanted.

  A soft cry ripped from her throat as he eased himself inside. It had been so long that it took her a moment to adjust to his size. There was a slight sting when he began to move, but it was soon overwhelmed with pleasure. Tremors crawled beneath Cynthia’s skin and it was all she could do to simply cling to him, his hands holding her hips still while she kicked her legs, trying to ease the pressure building inside of her.

  “Be still,” he commanded in a deep, throaty voice.

  She fell back and was still. Tyrell’s thrusts picked up speed as her fingers dug into his shoulders, his pure manly scent filling her head with a sense of giddiness. Her core tightened to the point where she thought she might explode, tremors shaking her arms and legs. When Tyrell released her with one hand to stroke her clit with his thumb, that did it.

  Cynthia’s back arched and she let out a scream; Tyrell slapped a hand over her mouth, grunting as his eyes widened. He started to cry out and she slapped a hand over his mouth as well. Together, muffling each other’s cries of ecstasy, they writhed, thrashing against the pleasure riding through their bodies. Eventually, the shockwaves slowed. Cynthia cautiously removed her hand from Tyrell’s mouth, only for him to press down a firm kiss on hers.

  When he rolled off her, he grinned. “You’re right,” he panted. “I did need that.”

  Cynthia stretched lazily. Her hips and legs ached, but it was the pleasant sort of burn that made her want to just cuddle up into Tyrell’s warm side and stay there forever. But she knew she couldn’t—how awkward would it be if Tamara came in to see them like this? She frowned a little as she swung out of bed.

  “Whoa!” Tyrell caught her as her legs buckled. “Easy, there. What’s the rush?”

  Cynthia took a moment to collect herself before slowly getting to her feet. Her legs trembled but held this time. “Well, we don’t want Tamara finding out, right?”

  Tyrell’s face fell. “Right. Guess I let myself get ahead of myself. Let me walk you to your door.”

  A pang of disappointment hit her in the stomach, but she tried to push it away. She was the one who had gotten up to leave, after all. She couldn’t expect him to try to make her stay. Still, she couldn’t help but wish she had just stayed in his arms as he rounded the bed—a bit shaky himself—and offered her his arm. She accepted it and leaned on him as they gathered up her clothes.

  “That was nice,” Cynthia said hesitantly when they made it to her bedroom door. “We’ll do it again, right?”

  Tyrell gave her a smile that would have melted her panties if she was wearing any. “Oh, you bet we will. Often, if I have any say about it.” He winked. “Maybe… right now? In your place this time?”

  Cynthia laughed, surprised, but she wasn’t about to turn him down. She opened the door and stepped inside, her gaze locked with his. Her clit gave a painful throb as he closed the door and caught her in another kiss.

  Chapter Six – Tyrell

  Saturday morning dawned crisp and clear, and when Tyrell went downstairs (he made it back to his room somewhere around four in the morning) to get out on the ranch, he found Tamara already down in the kitchen, sound asleep next to a bowl of cereal. She had her coveralls on and a baseball cap over her brilliantly red hair. He couldn’t help but smile at her. She’d been bugging him for days to make sure not to forget her when he went to feed the cows today, and it seemed she didn’t trust him to remember.

  Tyrell padded over to her and kissed the top of her head. “Morning, Miss Sleepyhead.”

  Tamara yawned, cracking one eye open. When she saw Tyrell, she straightened and dug both hands into her eyes. “I wasn’t sleeping! I was just pretending.”

  “Are you sure?” Tyrell pulled a concerned look. “I hate to think that you’re not getting the sleep you need, little Miss. Maybe you should go back to bed until—”

  “No!” Tamara’s eyes widened. “I don’t want to go back to bed.”

  Tyrell laughed and embraced her. “I’m just teasing. Now eat your cereal before it gets soggy.”

  Tamara obediently dug into her breakfast while Tyrell got his. He listened carefully for sounds that might say that Cynthia was up, but there was nothing. He sighed to himself. He had been hoping to talk with her about last night, but one round went to two and then three… they’d both dozed off before he knew it.

  It had been… amazing. The way she had given herself to him, fully and without reservation, still had his heart beating faster.

  The only question was, what did it mean to her? Cynthia didn’t strike him as the kind of girl who would just randomly sleep with a man. Last night he’d been too tired and emotionally worked up to think of anything but the fact that he needed some sort of emotional comfort, some physical contact to ease the stress of the day. Today, though… it was something they needed to speak about, and soon.

  He pushed the thoughts from his head as he got ready for the day. Ruby would be coming again to stay at the house, and so he wasn’t concerned about Smith or Rex sniffing around. He had talked to Ricky about it, but Smith insisted he had just been passing through that night Tyrell had seen him. With no evidence to the contrary, there wasn’t much Tyrell could do.

  Other than seeking him out and making sure he knew that he wasn’t welcome within ten feet of Cynthia. Which he had done the previous day before he went to the mainland.

  “Daddy, why does Cynthia smell weird?” Tamara asked suddenly as they headed out to the field.

  Tyrell’s heart stopped for a moment. He was about to demand what she meant, thinking that Tamara had somehow smelled him on her nanny, but then remembered that Tamara hadn’t seen Cynthia yet this morning. Tamara must mean that Cynthia wasn’t a shifter. She didn’t have the same scent that bears did. His expression became serious as he drove.

  “Well,” he started slowly, “it’s because she’s, uh… she’s not exactly the same as us. You know how Daddy and Aunt Ruby can turn into bears, and how you will someday?”

  Tamara nodded, her serious gaze locked on him.

  “Lots of people can’t do that,” he continued. Was he describing this right? It was alien enough for him to think of people who couldn’t be shifters. Even with Cynthia right there, smelling so unlike a bear, he would forget at times. The previous night, even, he had almost asked her if she wanted to go running in their animals forms together.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s… just something. Like we have red hair, but Uncle Ricky has brown hair and Uncle Kurtis has black hair.”

  Tamara cocked her head to one side, frowning. “You mean that they’re just born like that?”

  “Yeah.” Tyrell felt his tense muscles relaxing. She understood. Probably, he reflected, better than he did. Kids were like that. They just accepted differences without thinking anything of it. “We live out here on the island because most people on the mainland can’t shift like us. It scares some of them that we can shift because they don’t understand. Cynthia doesn’t know that we can turn into bears, and so that’s why I don’t do it in front of her.”

  “Because she would be scared?”

  “Because she doesn’t understand yet.”

  His heart started to sink as he considered it. They had slept together, and she didn’t know the second most important thing about who he was. She knew the first—that he was a single dad, but how could she start to know him without knowing this huge part of him that he kept a secret from her? Had it been false pretenses to sleep with her before she knew the full story?

  Tamara made an annoyed noise
in her throat. “Then tell her and she will understand.”

  Tyrell sighed. “It’s not that simple, sweetheart. Someday maybe we can tell her, but not right now. She can’t turn into a bear. That’s why she smells different from us.”

  “You already said that,” Tamara whined.

  “But you have to remember, that even if people are different it doesn’t make it okay to be nasty to them.”

  He added the last bit, remembering what people like James Smith said about non-shifters. When the alphas had chosen one for their queen, it had not been a popular decision at first. Eventually, Diana grew on them, but there had been opposition to her that he was certain the alphas would never allow her to find out. He didn’t want his daughter to grow up thinking that it was okay to look down on or judge someone simply because of what they were or weren’t.

  He and Tamara spent the morning looking after the cows, checking on the pregnant ones and making sure that the bull was locked away. Lastly, they checked on Baby Girl, finding both her and her calf in good health, and returned to the house. Cynthia was up by that time, and Ruby had also arrived. Ruby dressed in her gardening clothes while Cynthia wore a flowing summer dress that accentuated her curves.

  “You look like the beach,” Tamara cried excitedly. She clapped her hands and skipped on the spot. “Are we going to the beach? Daddy, can we go to the beach pleeeeeeease?”

  Cynthia’s eyes brightened at the suggestion, though she clearly struggled to keep herself calm. “Tamara, your dad has a lot of work to do, I’m sure.”

  She peered at him, though, with those bright eyes. Those same eyes that had darkened with lust as he thrust into her, his name on her lips. Tyrell shook his head, trying to dislodge the thoughts. Right now, in front of his sister and daughter, the last thing he wanted was memories of the previous night to affect him. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from imagining Cynthia in a two-piece suit.

  “Well, I should check to see how the carrots are growing...”

  “I can do that. And I can stick around to keep an eye on my baby.” Ruby grinned at him. “You work hard, you deserve a day off.”

  Tyrell narrowed his eyes at her for a moment, wondering what her game was. Then heat rushed to his face as her nostrils flared. Of course. With her senses and the fact that she knew what sex smelled like, she’d know exactly what had gone down between him and Cynthia last night. Ugh. The blush that rose in his cheeks made everything all the worse.

  Why was this so embarrassing?

  He hurriedly gulped down a mug of coffee. “Okay, fine. We can do that. The three of us together. It’ll be nice to get away from the farm. But it’s going to be too cold to swim yet.”

  “Yay!” Tamara ignored his warning. “I’ll get my bathing suit!”


  The Black Sands beach was more crowded than he had expected, but that wasn’t a bad thing. He greeted several people he hadn’t seen for a while, and eventually found himself near one of the alphas, Noel, while Cynthia cooed over the little baby that Diana held on her knee. Tyrell nodded at Noel. They never had much to do with each other, even though Tyrell was Ricky’s second.

  “Jarvis,” Noel greeted. “How are things?”

  “They’re as good as expected.” Tyrell watched Cynthia and Tamara as Diana passed the baby into Tamara’s arms. His expression darkened. “Don’t know if you heard, but Rex Tesla has been sniffing around my place lately.”

  Noel ran a hand through his hair and gave his head a little shake. “Not exactly. Ricky told me that you were having some trouble, but when I asked Rex about it he said that he was interested in courting your human nanny. He seems to think he’s found his mate.”

  Tyrell couldn’t help but snort. Of course, Rex would say something like that. Anything to get himself out of trouble.

  “Are you afraid he’s going to try to kidnap your little girl or something?” Noel continued.

  The angry mirth he’d felt about Rex claiming Cynthia as his mate fell away. He tensed. If Noel was bringing it up, did that mean that he was concerned that Rex would try it? He considered the question for a long moment, then eventually shook his head. Rex was a great many things, but a kidnapper? No. He wasn’t that far gone.

  “I don’t think so. Although if you can, you need to tell him to start showing up to court hearings, will you? I know that we like to keep our laws separate and that you and the other alphas made a decision about our case, but I’m trying to work things out so that he’s not left out to dry. Damn bastard doesn’t deserve it, but I want Tamara to be able to make the choice herself about whether or not he’s in her life.”

  Noel peered at him with a sly expression. “Do you, now?”

  “Yeah. Because Angela would want it.”

  “Right… well, I saw the proposal that your lawyers submitted. I’ll talk to him about counseling. Hell, I think we need to send a dozen people through school so we can have some psychiatrists around here. I know it’s been years but we’ve all gone through significant trauma and it’s not like human therapists are gonna be able to understand everything.”

  “Right,” Tyrell muttered. His gaze turned to Cynthia and Tamara again. Tamara was busy hauling buckets of water up from the ocean to fill up a hole that they had dug near a log, while Cynthia now held the little boy that would one day be alpha of the island.

  It looked so right, to see her with a baby in her arms. His chest constricted. She looked so happy… and she was so good with Tamara… A woman like her, she probably longed for the day when she’d have a child of her own. Tyrell’s shoulders slumped. He wasn’t the one who could give that to her. He wasn’t looking for a relationship. Whatever was between them, he had to make sure that this wasn’t something that could be more than a fling…

  Noel followed his gaze and laughed. “Better hurry up and claim her if you want that human to be your mate. Rex’s quite serious; he wants her.”

  “I’m sure he does,” Tyrell spat. His nostrils flared and his fists clenched. “But he’s not getting her.”

  Cynthia glanced over at them, frowning, and he looked away. She had told Rex to clear off. She wasn’t going to change her mind about that… was she?

  Shortly after Noel and Tyrell finished talking, the baby started to fuss and so the alpha and queen took their leave. Tyrell relaxed on the sand, watching while Cynthia and Tamara dug holes and built sandcastles. He was just wondering if perhaps the weather was nice enough to go dashing into the ocean when he caught sight of James Smith lurking near the washrooms.

  The hairs on his arms stood up and Tyrell leaped to his feet. Cynthia gave him a startled look. He pointed at the washrooms and made an exaggerated grimace. She giggled and turned back to what she was doing.

  Tyrell marched over to where Smith stood. As he got closer, he saw a coat of fur starting to sprout over Smith’s body. His eyes darkened and claws formed at the ends of his hands.

  Adrenaline surged through Tyrell’s body. He didn’t stop to think or consider what was happening. He lunged for the other bear, seized him around the throat, and threw him behind the washrooms, where Cynthia would not be able to see them.

  Smith snarled and slashed at Tyrell’s chest. Tyrell blocked the blow and punched the other bear hard in the ribs. His knuckles cracked as Smith stumbled back, wheezing. His teeth started to elongate in his mouth and Smith lunged again, trying to say something that came out all garbled instead. Tyrell sidestepped him, but Smith whirled and kicked his feet out from under him.

  Tyrell went down, hard, and only managed to roll over to grab Smith’s foot as the other bear tried to dodge back out from behind the washrooms. He snarled again, whirling on Tyrell; Tyrell ducked his punch, then threw himself over the other bear.

  With a warning snarl, Tyrell yanked Smith’s arms behind his back and ground his face into the dirt. He panted as Smith continued to struggle.

  “Stop this instant,” Tyrell ordered, putting all his authority into the order. It wasn’t as effective as it woul
d be coming from Ricky or Noel, but Smith stopped fighting him all the same.

  Tyrell held him there until he was certain Smith had calmed. Then he yanked him to his feet and pinned him against the brick wall. Smith still snarled at him, but a black glare from Tyrell had him quiet once more.

  “Explain yourself,” Tyrell ordered.

  “That human doesn’t belong on the island,” Smith spat. “And if I have to show her what we are for you to take this seriously—”

  “Try that again,” Tyrell interrupting, his bear itching to put Smith in his place once and for all, “and I will rip out your useless throat. Stay away from Cynthia, or I swear I will kill you.”

  Smith glared at him. When Tyrell released him and shoved him toward the parking lot, he stumbled away and didn’t look back.

  Tyrell took a moment to calm himself and glanced at his appearance, making sure that he wasn’t in too rough a shape. Then, when he was certain Smith was gone, he rounded the bathroom and made a beeline for the ocean, trying to laugh believably so Cynthia and Tamara wouldn’t know what had just gone down.

  “The last one in is a rotten egg!”


  They spent the rest of the day at the beach. By the time they got home, they had just enough time for supper, bath and two stories before Tamara fell asleep. Tyrell tucked her in tightly against the chill of the night, kissed her forehead and slipped from the room. He padded downstairs, feeling tired and wiped out from the day. While he had managed to have fun, most of his energy had been devoted to standing watch, to make sure that nobody else tried to pull a stunt like Smith.

  The man was clearly irrational—Tyrell would have to report the incident to the alphas so that they could decide what to do about him. His behavior was unacceptable. Tyrell knew what he’d do if he were an alpha: toss Smith in jail until he learned some manners. But he wasn’t an alpha. He had to respect their authority.


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